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Are you taking care of yourself?

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it is already mid-February? 2020 is already flying by me! Has 2020 brought any new big changes to your life? It has brought me a few surprises. At the end of January, I left my full-time job. This is the biggest and hardest choice that I have ever made. I did it to do the most important thing that all of us must do: Take care of ourselves.

My chronic pain has been growing, spreading and getting more extreme over the past few months and I had to make a change. I decided that I needed to figure out how to take care of myself. Being so young (I am 23) and in pain is terrifying. Here I have my whole life ahead of me and I can hardly make it through the week. My pain has hurt me in more ways than one and honestly it is hard to have hope sometimes. This is why I need to figure out how to take care of myself.

I have been seeing different doctors and specialists for over 5 years now and have treated many different symptoms that I struggle with. No one has ever been able to diagnose me. I call it chronic pain because I am always in pain. No, I am not just saying that to be dramatic. I wake up with pain and go to bed with pain and it is exhausting. Well I am making a new game plan to get me going on the right path again. A path that has hope, a path where I can do what makes me happy, a path that will take care of me emotionally and physically. It is not going to be easy and it is going to take time, but I know that it needs to be done. This isn’t the first time I have tried this. Hopefully this time it will stick, and I will get some answers and I can continue living my life with a little less fear.

Anyway, maybe this is a “new” new year’s resolution. (It’s not too late to start one) I know it won’t be easy, but this is something I have to do.

Don’t forget to take care of yourselves. In the end we are the only ones who can.

With Love


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